Create With Your Inner Child #NovemberWellnessChallenge

Connect to your innate creativity with Abhas Misraraj

xinyi @ don't be strangers
3 min readNov 8, 2022

Sunday Night, we had our 2nd #NovemberWellnessChallenge event focusing on Creative & Emotional Wellness.

In 1 hour, Abhas walked us through a visualization meditation to re-connect with how we created as children, gave us a few minutes to journal about our findings, then left us space to create on the spot!

From Abhas’s own words:

“Remember when you were a kid and creating was natural?

You were always creating, whether it was imaginary friends, telling stories, making crafts, or doodling on paper!

Creativity is the most natural thing kids do! As we grow up, this creativity gets warped and stifled by expectations placed on us by society. Our creations need to fit into a box called “art” or they’re not good enough. Some of us may be so good at our own “art” that we are afraid to experiment or step outside of what we think we’re good at all!

We invite you to take off your adult shoes, your refined artistic knowing, and any fear that is holding you back from creating. After all, it is your nature.”

And I can’t agree more.

Because art is just a form of self-expression, we are all artists by nature. While it may seem extreme, I view simple gestures of choice from choosing to exercise or how you treat others a form of art (because it’s your expression!).

There were so many gems in this workshop but my favorite quote was:

“Art is intrinsically neutral. What’s good and bad are other people’s reactions to it.”

If you missed this workshop, here’s what you can do:

  1. Think back to when you were a child. What excited you the most to play? 🛝
  2. Journal about it! ✍🏼
  3. Try to harness that energy and create something, today! 🎨

REMEMBER: As with anything else in life (and another great quote from Abhas), “Take what resonates, surrender what doesn’t.”

🤔 Wait, is it too late ⏰ to join the #NovemberWellnessChallenge?

Nope! We’ve designed it so that you can hop in at ANY point of the month.

Every week, we’re focusing on a different aspect of holistic wellness and will have free events to support these topics!

You will also receive 2 graphics per week.

A list of ideas ✅ of what you can do this week to get closer with that particular part of holistic health.

  • There’s an idea per day BUT you definitely don’t need to do each thing on the given listed day and you can make up your own.
  • SKIPPING A DAY is totally welcomed. :’) Just put “skip 😴” because there’s no shame in it.

A calendar for that week that you can fill out using Instagram Stories by uploading the photo and typing over it~!



xinyi @ don't be strangers

musings of a creative chimera + nowhere girl🌙🐉 ✨ illustrator, videographer, whatev-er. 📍 somewhere between knowing & searching (host of @dontbestrangers pod)